Trading Chart

The most important thing for a technical analysis trader is to see historical market data, this is done by using a trading chart. A trading chart allows to display a variety of information, most commonly market prices, volume and technical indicators.

Below you will find different types of the most commonly used trading charts.

Candlestick Chart

Candlestick charts are popular technical analysis tools for forex traders they provide you with comprehensive data including the high and low prices, as well as the opening and closing prices over a particular period of time. this data enables you to make predictions based on the past trends of a particular security.

Line Chart

Unlike candlestick charts and bar charts, line charts only give you the closing prices of a particular security over time. they will not give you comprehensive information, but line charts are easy to read and understand even for new traders in forex.

Bar Chart

Bar charts show the price high and low of a particular security. They also show you the opening and closing prices for a specified time period. This makes bar charts more compressive and informative compared to simple line charts.

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